I am getting few similar Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
... "_OBJC_CLASS_$_PFAnalytics", referenced from:
errors while building for iPhone 4s simulator or iPhone 5 simulator.
With iPhone 5s-> everything works great. What am I doing wrong?
I have Parse and Facebook SDK's installed via CocoaPods:
target 'My app' do platform :ios, '8.0' pod 'Parse' pod 'FBSDKCoreKit' end
Update 1:
I have architectures selected like this:
//Debug, Release ARCHS = $(ARCHS_STANDARD) //Debug, Release VALID_ARCHS = arm64 armv7 armv7s
I finally got it working with the help of CocoaPods community. Problem was with the DerivedData. I cleaned DerivedData for my project (in XCode 7, Window -> Projects) and it started working perfectly again.
More details https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/4736.