I installed python3.4.3, orange3 on my win10(x64) laptop but no icon shows up...this was what I saw
This usually indicates a broken/misconfigured PyQt4 installation. Qt4 supports .svg icons by means of a runtime plugin library which is installed alongside PyQt4. However if Qt4 fails to find and load this plugin SVG icons are unavailable and simply will not be displayed.
To see whether SVG icons can be loaded run the following from the command prompt (adjusting the python.exe path according to your installation layout):
C:\Python34\python.exe -c "from PyQt4.QtGui import QImageReader; print([bytes(fmt).decode('ascii') for fmt in QImageReader.supportedImageFormats()])"
If the output does not include a "svg" string, then svg icons can not be loaded.
Also run
C:\Python34\python.exe -c "from PyQt4.QtCore import QLibraryInfo; print(QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.PluginsPath))"
This will print the root directory from where the Qt4 plugins are loaded. This should be C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\plugins
(for the default python installation). If not try creating a C:\Python34\qt.conf
file containing:
Prefix = Lib\\site-packages\\PyQt4