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jqGrid Custom call editable modal form

I use jqGrid 4.9.3-pre - free This example (Oleg):


But I put in my code line:

ondblClickRow: function (rowid) {
    $(this).jqGrid("viewGridRow", rowid, { caption: "Details of the invice" });

The modal window with each new challenge is moving down. I found a line where changes:

        if (!o.recreateForm) {
            var formProp = $"formProp");
            if (formProp) {
       = Math.max(, 0);
                formProp.left = Math.max(formProp.left, 0);
                $.extend(o, formProp);

With each call a modal window increasing and formProp.left.

How fix this problem?

For Oleg: Добрый день! Мне нужно вызывать viewGridRow и editGridRow кастомно. Тут по большей части только вы можете помочь. У меня при вызове модального окна, с каждым вызовом увеличиватся top and left.Пример своего кода не привожу. Но если нужно напишу.


  • Thank you for the bug report! I posted the bug fix just now. It modified the code of internal savePositionOnHide function used for saving the previously position from

    savePositionOnHide = function (propName, frmgr, h) {
        var $w = h.w, $form = $(frmgr), $gbox = this.closest(".ui-jqgrid"), top, left;
        if ($.contains($gbox[0], $w[0])) {
            // we use below .style.height and .style.width to save correctly "auto" and "100%" values
            // the "px" suffix will be saved too, but it's not a problem
            top = getCssStyleOrFloat($w, "top");
            left = getCssStyleOrFloat($w, "left");
        } else {
            top = $w.offset().top -
                    ($gbox.offsetParent().offset().top +
                    $gbox.offset().top +
                    $gbox.position().top +
                    parseFloat($gbox.css("border-top-width") || 0));
            left = $w.offset().left -
                    ($gbox.offsetParent().offset().left +
                    $gbox.offset().left +
                    $gbox.position().left +
                    parseFloat($gbox.css("border-left-width") || 0));
        }, {
            top: top,                 //parseFloat($w.css("top")),
            left: left,               //parseFloat($w.css("left")),
            width: getCssStyleOrFloat($w, "width"),             //$(h.w).width(),
            height: getCssStyleOrFloat($w, "height"),           //$(h.w).height(),
            dataheight: getCssStyleOrFloat($form, "height") || "auto",
            datawidth: getCssStyleOrFloat($form, "width") || "auto"
        if (h.o) { h.o.remove(); }


    savePositionOnHide = function (propName, frmgr, h) {
        var $w = h.w, $form = $(frmgr), $gbox = this.closest(".ui-jqgrid"),
            getTopOrLeftRelativeToGbox = function (topOrLeft) {
                return $w.offset()[topOrLeft] -
                    ($gbox.offsetParent().offset()[topOrLeft] +
                    $gbox.offset()[topOrLeft] +
                    $gbox.position()[topOrLeft] +
                    parseFloat($gbox.css("border-" + topOrLeft + "-width") || 0));
            };, {
            top: getTopOrLeftRelativeToGbox("top"),
            left: getTopOrLeftRelativeToGbox("left"),
            width: getCssStyleOrFloat($w, "width"),
            height: getCssStyleOrFloat($w, "height"),
            dataheight: getCssStyleOrFloat($form, "height") || "auto",
            datawidth: getCssStyleOrFloat($form, "width") || "auto"
        if (h.o) { h.o.remove(); }

    I hope that the problem is fixed in case of all combinations of the input parameters of form editing. At least the demo works now correctly.