I need to draw a lot of small ellipses (c. 60 000) on a 2D bitmap. In my experience, GDI+ or NGraphics proved to be very slow for this kind of tasks. I would like to be able to achieve at least 10 fps, which doesn't seem to be too ambitious, but I don't know how.
As video games do that kind of stuff very efficiently, I am tempted to think this is a problem of hardware acceleration. But I saw in another question that GDI+ is supposed to be 2D-accelerated, so maybe there is something else I didn't get.
My question is not about flickering or double buffering. It is really a question of pure speed : what is the fastest way to draw simple shapes (pixels, lines, ellipses) on a bitmap.
You could try OpenTK. It uses OpenGL and is very fast. You can get the result of the drawing operations and convert it back to a Bitmap if you need to.