I have a table (People) with a full name column, but want to split it into a first name (and initial if it exists) column and last name column.
It's a PostgreSQL database FWIW. I'm at the point of creating the columns, so it can all be done in the migration if that's possible. The names all fit the old standard American style, that is, no compound names or hyphens. No periods after the initials and some of the first names are initials only. This will be a one shot change, and then any new entries will be First and Last names in their separate fields. The full name field will be dropped.
Thanks for any help
You can do it like this in single migration
create two new columns
add_column :people, :first_name, :string
add_column :people, :last_name, :string
full_names = People.all.map(&:full_name)
it return new array of full_name
and then
full_names.each do |n| People.create(first_name:n.split('_')[0],
and remove full_name column
remove_column :people, :full_name
Clumsy solution but should works