The following import
from mayavi import mlab
generates the value error.
I installed Mayavi using setuptools (as described here). The gui works fine (some bugs here and there but still I can use the modules etc.) I am guessing some thing didn't went well with the install. Any suggestions how I can fix my installation(if that is what the problem is) ?
Edit 1:
I uninstalled mayavi and reinstalled it (using pip), but the valueError
is still present.
Edit 2:
The system I have the installation on is a virtual Ubuntu 15.04
(using VMware 6.0.6). I have pasted the pip install mayavi output here.
Edit 3:
After reinstalling a previous version of Mayavi : 4.3.1
, I still get the same error. I am using Python : 2.7.9
There is a post on SO :
How to get MayaVi2 to default to/use Qt rather than wx?
where it shows how you can set qt4, without having to uninstall wxPython (as the other answer suggests) :
export ETS_TOOLKIT=qt4
I found out about it among the issues section on the Mayavi github : Issue 265