I'm using NetOffice developing an MS Outlook AddIn, and I want to add a custom context menu item in the calendar, to allow users add a new custom appointment for the selected time range.
So as written in this article I define my additional item in the RibbonUI.xml following way:
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui" onLoad="OnLoadRibonUI">
<tab idMso="TabAppointment">
<group id="Group0" label="Addin" insertBeforeMso="GroupShow">
<button id="convertButton" label="Convert" getImage="ConvertImage" size="large" onAction="ConvertButton_Click" />
<tab idMso="TabCalendar">
<group id="Group1" label="Addin" insertBeforeMso="GroupGoto">
<button id="aboutButton" label="New Custom Meeting" getImage="GetNewImage" size="large" onAction="NewMeetingButton_Click" />
<button id="settingsButton" screentip="Addin Settings" onAction="SettingsButton_Click"/>
<contextMenu idMso="ContextMenuCalendarView">
<button id="MyContextMenuCalendarView"
But as soon as I add the <contextMenus>
node, the xml isn't working anymore, not the add in doesn't add any context menu, but it also doesn't add any buttons anymore - whereas the buttons are added when the <contextMenus>
node is not defined.
Any tips how to debug this issue?
thanks to the tip from Dmitry I found the issue the xmlns
namespace was an old one, so instead of:
it should be:
I can't see anything wrong off the top of my head, but enable the dev mode in Outlook - this way Outlook will report all problems in your XML. Click File | Options | Advanced | Developers | Show add-in user interface errors