I've made the game: Towers of Hanoi in Python with turtle graphics because it was my school assignment.
#For moving disks
Selected = []
Steps = 0
amount = 6 #amount of disks
#Properties = [X, Y, Width, Height, Tower's Disks]
Tower1 = [-2 - amount, -1, amount, 3/2, []]
Tower2 = [0, -1, amount, 3/2, []]
Tower3 = [2 + amount, -1, amount, 3/2, []]
Tower1[4] = CreateDisks(amount, Tower1)
Tower1 = TowerCreate(Tower1)
Tower2 = TowerCreate(Tower2)
Tower3 = TowerCreate(Tower3)
#(After / Na 'TowerCreate') Properties = [X, Y, Width, Height, Tower's Disks, Tower's Button]
Now we have this piece of code for the movement but my teacher won't allow me to use classes so I can only use functions (defs), can anyone help me re-code this into defs so my program will still work? So that you can still click the buttons and the disks move to the correct position.
class Move:
#'Properties' contents: [X, Y, Width, Height, Tower's Disks, Tower's Button]
#'Selected' contents: [Disk to move, Tower's selected Button / Start Disk location]
def __init__(self, Properties):
self.Properties = Properties
self.X = Properties[0] * 20
self.Disk_List = Properties[4]
self.Act_Colour = 'white'
self.Inact_Colour = 'black'
def movement(self, x, y):
global Steps
self.Y = (self.Properties[1] + len(self.Disk_List)) * 20 + 45
if len(Selected) == 0 and len(self.Disk_List) > 0:
Selected.append(self.Disk_List) #Adds the list with disks to the selected tower
Selected.append(self.Properties[5]) #To reset the color of the botton
elif len(Selected) == 2 and len(self.Disk_List) > 0 and Selected[0][-1].shapesize()[1] == self.Disk_List[-1].shapesize()[1]: #To deselect toe button
del Selected[0]
del Selected[0]
elif len(Selected) == 2 and (len(self.Disk_List) == 0 or Selected[0][-1].shapesize()[1] < self.Disk_List[-1].shapesize()[1]): #Lazy function
Selected[0][-1].goto(self.X, self.Y) #Highest disk of thelist
self.Disk_List.append(Selected[0][-1]) #Put the highest disk of the list in the correct place in the list
del Selected[0][-1] #del the disk from the tower and selected
del Selected[0] #del the lost from 'Selected',the list of the tower remains
del Selected[0] #del thebutton
Steps = Steps + 1
You could use a closure to bind the names from your class as local variables:
def make_movement(Properties):
X = Properties[0] * 20
Disk_List = Properties[4]
Act_Colour = 'white'
Inact_Colour = 'black'
def movement(x, y):
global Steps
Y = (Properties[1] + len(Disk_List)) * 20 + 45
if len(Selected) == 0 and len(Disk_List) > 0:
Selected.append(Disk_List) #Adds the list with disks to the selected tower
Selected.append(Properties[5]) #To reset the color of the botton
elif len(Selected) == 2 and len(Disk_List) > 0 and Selected[0][-1].shapesize()[1] == Disk_List[-1].shapesize()[1]: #To deselect toe button
del Selected[0]
del Selected[0]
elif len(Selected) == 2 and (len(Disk_List) == 0 or Selected[0][-1].shapesize()[1] < Disk_List[-1].shapesize()[1]): #Lazy function
Selected[0][-1].goto(X, Y) #Highest disk of thelist
Disk_List.append(Selected[0][-1]) #Put the highest disk of the list in the correct place in the list
del Selected[0][-1] #del the disk from the tower and selected
del Selected[0] #del the lost from 'Selected', the list of the tower remains
del Selected[0] #del thebutton
Steps = Steps + 1
return movement
Then, call make_movement(Properties)
instead of Move(Properties).movement
def Tower(Properties):
Button = Properties[5]