I have a blog system where user inputs the image url in the post content like
hey how are you <img src="example.com/image.png">
if the user has written like this
hello how are you <img src="example.com/image.png">
Then I want to find this img
line and use it as featured image
here is what I have tried:
$haystack = 'how are you <img src="hey.png">';
$needle = '<img src="';
if (strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false) {
echo "$needle";
else { echo "no"; }
When I echo I only get:
<img src="
I want to get whole
<img src="hey.png">
from that string how can I do this.
This should work for you:
$string = 'hey how are you <img src="example.com/image.png"> test test <img src="example.com/image2.png">';
preg_match_all('/(<img .*?>)/', $string, $img_tag);
[0] => <img src="example.com/image.png">
[1] => <img src="example.com/image2.png">
You should consider using a parser for this though. They have a lot more functionality already built in than a regex, and will error cleaner.
Regex101: https://regex101.com/r/iY1wX0/1
or if you really only over want the first img
just use preg_match
$string = 'hey how are you <img src="example.com/image.png"> test test <img src="example.com/image2.png">';
preg_match('/(<img .*?>)/', $string, $img_tag);
echo $img_tag[1];
<img src="example.com/image.png">