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How to represent successful, failed login and logout events

We have an audit requirement where we need to track user activity (e.g. successful login, logout actions and failed logins). We have defined 3 event types to track this information.

What would be a nice way to show these violations (e.g. failed logins) or normal events (e.g. successful login, logout events) for the system administrator. Should they be represented as images or just with useful information.


  • As Robert Harvey wrote, a report is pretty good. Also, having ratios, such as that of failed logins to successful ones would be a nice statistic, for any particular user, and as an average. You can avoid images, and perhaps colour-code certain numbers once they get to a dangerous level (80% ratio of failed logins to good ones would be red, for example, indicating to the admin that there's something potentially wrong with the login form).