I get the following error:
Couldn't match expected type `IO b' with actual type `Bool'
In the expression:
["########", "#11xxx3#", "#xx2xx3", "#002xx3", ....] 2 [2, 3, 4]
In the expression:
do { s <- readFile "projekt-board.txt";
let content = lines s;
printTable content;
.... }
In an equation for `gameFunc':
= do { s <- readFile "projekt-board.txt";
let content = ...;
printTable content;
.... }
With the definition for gameFunc
gameFunc = do
s <- readFile "projekt-board.txt"
let content = lines s
printTable content
upCheck ["########","#11xxx3#","#xx2xx3","#002xx3","#7x2x44#"] 2 [2,3,4]
and function upCheck
upCheck :: [[Char]] -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
upCheck tableArr number posArr = do
--posArr saadakse findBlock funktsiooniga
let arv = findVIndex (findVertIndex tableArr number)
let str = tableArr !! (posArr !! 0)
if ((posArr !! 0) == 1)
then False
else if arv == (-1)
then False
else if isHorizontal str number
then False
else if (tableArr !! ((posArr !! 0)-1)) !! arv /= 'x'
then False
else True
So basically what is happening here is that upCheck
is a function to check whether some conditions are matched and when I call it out the same way from ghci as i call it out from the function gameFunc
, i will get a result True
. However, if I call it out from the function gameFunc
I get an error described above. Any ideas what went wrong?
The problem is that your function gameFunc
uses a do expression which is syntactical sugar for a monad (in this case the IO
monad). You can turn any non-monadic result into a monadic one by using the return
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
So you can rewrite your gameFunc
to (see last line):
gameFunc = do
s <- readFile "projekt-board.txt"
let content = lines s
printTable content
return $ upCheck ["########","#11xxx3#","#xx2xx3","#002xx3","#7x2x44#"] 2 [2,3,4]
Now gameFunc
has the type IO Bool
. You can use gameFunc
in other monadic environment like:
main = do
b <- gameFunc
print b
in order to print the result of gameFunc