I've just started using Hangfire, and I am loving it.
I understand that Hangfire maintains the history for succeeded jobs for 1 day, and clear it thereafter.
Is there is a way where I can customize this default behavior and persist the history for any duration say 7 days?
To do this, you need to create a job filter and register it through hangfire global configurations, as discussed here - https://discuss.hangfire.io/t/how-to-configure-the-retention-time-of-job/34
Create job filter -
using Hangfire.Common;
using Hangfire.States;
using Hangfire.Storage;
using System;
namespace HangfireDemo
public class ProlongExpirationTimeAttribute : JobFilterAttribute, IApplyStateFilter
public void OnStateApplied(ApplyStateContext filterContext, IWriteOnlyTransaction transaction)
filterContext.JobExpirationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(7);
public void OnStateUnapplied(ApplyStateContext context, IWriteOnlyTransaction transaction)
context.JobExpirationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(7);
...and register in global job filters -
GlobalJobFilters.Filters.Add(new ProlongExpirationTimeAttribute());