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Animated gif in OpenLayers 3

There is a gif that animates a radar image I want to use in my openlayers 3 map. I am defining the layer as a ol.layer.Image, and the source is ol.source.ImageStatic. When I do this the radar does not animate.

I am assuming this is because I am defining it as ImageStatic, but I get errors when I try to add the image to the map with any of the other source options.

Does anyone know what I should be using for the source for an animated image gif? Any examples of where this has been done would also be awesome. Thanks!


    1. Add a div to your html document.

       <div id="map" class="map"></div>
       <div style="display: none;">
       <div id="marker" title="Marker"></div>
    2. Configure your div with css to contain your animated gif

      #marker {
      width: 150px;
      height: 150px;
      background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;
    3. Add the div element to your map as an ol.Overlay

      var pos = ol.proj.fromLonLat([23.3725, 35.208889]);
      var marker = new ol.Overlay({
      position: pos,
      positioning: 'center-center',
      element: document.getElementById('marker'),
      stopEvent: false

    and a fiddle to see it in action