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Web Services Discovery: Is UDDI the next UDDI?

We are building a system that should integrate SOAP web services from different providers.

We want to allow providers to register web services.

It seems exactly the purpose of UDDI.

But according to its wikipedia article UDDI was never adopted widely and has fallen into disuse.

The question is: In favor of what? What is the current proper way of integrating a collection of web services registered by certain authorized providers?

If the answer is UDDI: Where can I find updated information on how to set up my own UDDI service?


  • I think that "disuse" is more of a 'disuse' publicly on the internet, meaning that there are few publicly available instances of UDDI. A number of large organizations use UDDI behind firewalls.

    There are many other alternatives, ebXML, WSO2, WS-Discovery, mDNS, jGroups and more. It all depends on your use case, network topology and who you want to share information with.

    For setting up your own UDDI server...

    We also have a cloud instance available for anyone to use (although it needs maintenance)

    disclaimer: I am the PMC for jUDDI