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Generate a property name in a loop

I'm trying to find a way of loading a single record with 25 columns into a datatable.

I could list all 25 variables called SPOT1 to SPOT25 (columns in the datatable) but I'm looking for more concise method like using a loop or dictionary.

The code below shows two methods, a 'long' method which is cumbersome, and a 'concise' method which I'm trying to get help with.

Public dctMC As Dictionary(Of String, VariantType)
Dim newMC As New MONTE_CARLO()

'long method: this will work but is cumbersome

'concise method:  can it be done more concisely, like in a loop for example?
 Dim k As String

For x = 1 To 25
    k = "SPOT" & CStr(x)
    newMC.K = dctMC(k)    'convert newMC.k to newMC.SPOT1 etc

'load record


  • Per the others, I think there are better solutions, but it is possible...

    Public Class MONTE_CARLO
      Private mintSpot(-1) As Integer
      Property Spot(index As Integer) As Integer
          If index > mintSpot.GetUpperBound(0) Then
            ReDim Preserve mintSpot(index)
          End If
          Return mintSpot(index)
        End Get
        Set(value As Integer)
          If index > mintSpot.GetUpperBound(0) Then
            ReDim Preserve mintSpot(index)
          End If
          mintSpot(index) = value
        End Set
      End Property
    End Class


    Dim newMC As New MONTE_CARLO
    For i As Integer = 0 To 100
      newMC.Spot(i) = i
    Next i