I have a LwM2M Wakaama client working with a Leshan server. When I try to send a huge hexbinary string via the write option on Package resource for Firmware update object 5, I get the following error message on the client side:
I understand that block1 was not implemented on the wakaama client and only block2 was implemented, does anyone know why?
Also, How can I make firmware update with package resource work with the Leshan Server and Wakaama Client?
I believe I can either change the Leshan Server to send a request of type BLOCK2 (which I dont know how to do from the limited UI?) or add support for BLOCK1 on Wakaama LWM2M client.
Has anyone tried this?
Added Block1 support by doing the following changes in the function lwm2m_handle_packet in Paket.c ~ line 234-263:
/* get offset for blockwise transfers */
if (coap_get_header_block2(message, &block_num, NULL, &block_size, &block_offset))
LOG("Blockwise2: block request %u (%u/%u) @ %u bytes\n", block_num, block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block_offset);
block_size = MIN(block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
new_offset = block_offset;
++else if (coap_get_header_block1(message, &block_num, NULL, &block_size, &block_offset))
++LOG("Blockwise1: block request %u (%u/%u) @ %u bytes\n", block_num, block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block_offset);
++block_size = MIN(block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
++new_offset = block_offset;
coap_error_code = handle_request(contextP, fromSessionH, message, response);
if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
/* Apply blockwise transfers. */
if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) && response->code<BAD_REQUEST_4_00 && !IS_OPTION(response, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) )
++//LOG("Block1 NOT IMPLEMENTED\n");
++//coap_error_code = NOT_IMPLEMENTED_5_01;
++//coap_error_message = "NoBlock1Support";
++LOG("Block1 IMPLEMENTED\n");
++coap_set_header_block1(response, block_num, 0, block_size);
else if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2) )