Context: Trying to create VMs in Azure (cloud) using VMSS in ARM mode and using json templates.
Problem: Creating a VMSS from an os image and datadisk image using Azure CLI and json template creates new VMSS but not the datadisk.
My success so far: Successfully created VMs using CLI with both os and data disk from a custom image using json template. Also successfully created VMSS (Virtual Machine Scale Set) from a valid custom os image using CLI with json template.
My research for problem: There isn't any sample on github for this scenario git hub templates. Microsoft azure site also have sample for os disk only and not creating a VMSS with data disk.
blkid comand doesn't show the data disk at all, meaning it was never created and mounted. My json template virtualMachineProfile->storageProfile declares a valid dataDisks object and I know it's works as it successfully creates VM (not VMSS) with data disk and also CLI doesn't return any error.
I know json based template is new and Microsoft is working on adding more features/functionalities so my questions is "Is there anything wrong that I am doing and is it that creating VMSS with data disk is not yet implemented in Azure ?"
Environment: Linux (Debian/RHEL)
Azure CLI : 0.9.13 (ARM mode)
Azure Api: 2015-06-15
Image: (CentOS 6.7)
Thanks for your help.
As per this blog post VMSS and data disks, it is not yet supported. Such a bummer..... Hopefully Microsoft will soon release this feature before selling VMSS too much.