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Setting Windows Service's Status

I'm trying to create a windows service that runs an exe that I have. I have been using this guide from msdn.

I run my exe as a Process that is started in OnStart and stopped in OnStop. I want to know how the service status, the status sc query *name*, is updated.

I've tried following the status section, here, of the guide above, but calling

serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = ServiceState.SERVICE_STOPPED;
SetServiceStatus(this.ServiceHandle, ref serviceStatus);

and those type of functions from the guide don't seem to do anything.

I want to be able to set the status of the service to be stopped, if my exe that the service runs crashes or is killed.

One idea I have in mind is to have a separate function that is run in a thread from OnStart that will block using process.WaitForExit();. And after thread stops blocking, I wanted to use the functions above to set the service status as stopped.

Does anyone have any idea on why I can't set the service status, or how to link the service status to the exe that the service runs? Thanks


  • Do not set the service status. It sounds like you should stop your service when the exe crashes or is killed. To stop the service, use ServiceBase.Stop()

    This will change the service status to stopped.