I got a view like this:
function (doc, meta) {
var id = doc.id ? doc.id: "";
var company = doc.company ? doc.company: "";
var store = doc.store ? doc.store: "";
emit([doc.type, id, company, store]);
And documents which all contain a type and a combination of the other 3 fields, depending on the type. I want to query generically via this view with the following function:
def find_by_type_pageing_by_id_company_store(self, format_function=None, page=None, rows=None, recent=None, type=None, id="", company="", store="", include_docs=True):
if not type:
logger.error("No Type Provided in find by type query")
raise exceptions.InvalidQueryParams("No Type Provided in find by type query")
cb = self.get_cb_bucket()
query = Query()
# 'recent' and 'rows' are equivalent and will be unified to 'limit' here
if recent and rows:
raise exceptions.InvalidQueryParams(detail="Query may not contain both 'recent' and 'rows'")
limit = rows or recent
if limit:
rows_per_page = int(limit)
except ValueError:
raise exceptions.InvalidQueryParams(detail="Query params 'recent' and 'rows' have to be integers")
if rows_per_page > settings.PAGINATION_MAX_ROWS_LIMIT:
raise exceptions.InvalidQueryParams(detail="Query params 'recent' and 'rows' may not exceed %s. "
"Use the additional param 'page=2', 'page=3', etc. to access "
"more objects" % settings.PAGINATION_MAX_ROWS_LIMIT)
page = 1 if page is None else int(page)
except ValueError:
raise exceptions.InvalidQueryParams(detail="Query param 'page' has to be an integer")
skip = rows_per_page * (page - 1)
query.limit = rows_per_page
query.skip = skip
query.mapkey_range = [
[type, id, company, workshop],
[type, id + query.STRING_RANGE_END, company + query.STRING_RANGE_END, store + query.STRING_RANGE_END]
rows = cb.query(view['doc'], view['view'], include_docs=include_docs, query=query)
if format_function is None:
format_function = self.format_function_default
return_array = format_function(rows)
return return_array
It works flawlessly when only querying for a certain type, or a type and an id range.
But if I e.g. want to have all docs of a certain type belonging to a company, disregarding id and store, also docs of other companies are delivered.
I tried by:
query.mapkey_range = [
["Vehicle", "", "abc", ""]
["Vehicle", q.STRING_RANGE_END, "abc", q.STRING_RANGE_END]
I know, somehow the order of the values in the composite key matters, thats why the query for an id range probably is succesful.
But I could not find any detailed explanation how the order matters and how to handle this use case.
Any idea or hint how to cope with this? Thank you in advance.
with compound keys, the order in emit
determines the internal "sorting" of the index. When using range query, this order is used.
In your case:
Let's take an example of 4 vehicles. Here is what the index would look like:
Here is what happens with a range query:
You can see how, depending on the ids, this can lead to seemingly bad results: for [["Vehicle", "", "ACME", ""], ["Vehicle", RANGE_END, "ACME", RANGE_END]]
here is what happens:
) is identified as the lowest matching the startKeye
) doesn't match the endKey, because "Vehicle,e,StackOverflow,store999"
is greater than "Vehicle,RANGE_END,ACME,RANGE_END"
due to the third componentd
) is the upper bound: Vehicle <= Vehicle, d <= RANGE_END, ACME <= ACME, store100 <= RANGE_END
TL/DR: Ordering in the emit matters, you cannot query with sparse "jokers" in the left side of the compound key.
Change the map function to emit(doc.type, doc.company, doc.store, id)
(most generic to least generic attribute) and it should work fine after you rework your query accordingly.
Here is a link from the doc explaining compound keys and ranges with dates: Partial Selection With Compound Keys