I'm currently building a MEAN stack application for a school project. I'm pretty close to completion, but I can't figure out how to add search functionality.
It's a medical app, so I'm trying to create a search for ICD-10 codes. So all I want it to do it a basic search of symptom or code and display the result. It can't be the google custom search; it has to be something I can do locally through my document.
I've already looked into lucene and solr, but I feel like that is overkill when I'm only wanting to index a single document.
Can anyone help with this, or point me in the right direction?
You'll want to index each entry as a separate document. And Search Engine will give you niceties such as case-insensitive search, ranking when user enters words that match different parts of the entry, etc.
And, it is school project, what you will learn will be useful for real ones :-)