I am using WYSIWYG editor, written there and saved it.
I just want to count the number of characters I have written.
Suppose I have written "My Count is 4"
, Then it should show me the count as 13
and after marking it bold or Italic the count should remain same as 13.
The code I am using to count is jQuery(selector).text().length;
But its returning me the data, along with html tags.
and if I have written "My Count is 4"
in Bold in editor. The count is increasing, because its counting the html <b></b>
tags also.
Please help me to find the solution.
Try something like this:
// firstly we'll strip the html out
var myCode = jQuery('#getMe').html();
// strip out tags and line breaks
var cleanCode = myCode.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '').replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"").replace(' ','');
// then count as normal
var numChars = cleanCode.trim().length;