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Non-Public Members access in windows store

I want to access Non-Public Member in windows store apps but i cant.

enter image description here

I want to access the "elements" in picture

I have a GridView that binds to a collection for grouping as follows

private void gridview_1_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    slidein_history_of_illness.DataContext = (sender as GridView).SelectedItem;
    object obj = (sender as GridView).SelectedItem;

The ItemSource of my GridView is GridViewItemSoure:

List<GroupInfoList<object>> GridViewItemSoure = new List<GroupInfoList<object>>();

var query = from item in Collection
            orderby ((Item)item).name
            group item by ((Item)item).name into g
            select new { GroupName = g.Key, Items = g };

foreach (var g in query)
    GroupInfoList<object> info = new GroupInfoList<object>();
    info.Key = g.GroupName;

    foreach (var item in g.Items.GroupBy(x=>((Item)x).color))



  • I solved that!

    I access elements with this lines!

    private void gr_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        object obj = (sender as GridView).SelectedItem;
        IGrouping<string, object> groupCast = obj as System.Linq.IGrouping<string, object>;
        foreach (Item item in groupCast)
              //to do staff