I am trying to define the following property in one of my .properties files:
This is then read by a config class:
public class TemplateConfig {
private Environment environment;
public String getPersonExpression() {
return environment.getProperty("personExpression");
However this gives the exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'person.surname' in string value "${person.surname}"
Is there a way to do get getPersonExpression()
to return the string literal ${person.surname}
without attempting to resolve it?
To get this to work takes some pretty unintuitive syntax.
You essentially have to split your expression into two parts and wrap the whole thing in a parent SpEL expression to join them.
If you change your property value to the following it should work:
personExpression=#{'$' + '{person.surname}'}
This works because you're splitting up the $
character from the {person.surname}
so SpEL won't try to evaluate it as an expression, because as far as it's concerned, you're just concatenating two strings together.