Okay, so this is my current code:
set path=%~dp0
set path1=%path:~0,-1%
for %%f in (%path1%) do set outPutFolder=%%~nxf
set outputPath=C:\Users\Steven\Google Drive\Backups\%outputFolder%\
C:\Windows\System32\xcopy "%path%" "%outputPath%" /E /D /W /F /Y
XCopy returns invalid path. The paths appear to be correct. Thanks in advance.
You don't say precisely what this code is intended to do, but try, in your xcopy
in place of "%path%"
which should copy all files to the destination
It's not a good idea to change path
since path
is established by Windows as a semicolon-separated list of directories that is searched for an executable if the executable does not exist in the current directory.