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Checking error level while building with sbt

I want to write a windows .cmd script that publishing all project modules into local repository. But I want to stop at first error that may be occur. I'm checking %ERRORLEVEL% but it's always equals to 0 even if sbt publish-local command fails with some error.

@echo on
@setlocal enabledelayedexpansions

set modules=^

for %%A in (%modules%) do (
    echo ======================================
    echo =          PUBLISHING %%A            =
    echo ======================================
    cd %%A
    call sbt publish-local              
    echo %ERRORLEVEL%       :: <- Always = 0
    if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error

exit /B 1

Any help will be appreciated.


  • Try this:

    @echo on
    @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    set modules=^
    for %%A in (%modules%) do (
        echo ======================================
        echo =          PUBLISHING %%A            =
        echo ======================================
        cd %%A
        call sbt publish-local              
        echo !ERRORLEVEL!
        if !ERRORLEVEL! geq 1 goto error
    exit /B 1

    Note that EnableDelayedExpansion should not have a following s, and you should use ! instead of % inside parenthesis in batch.