anyone using nagare framework on google app engine ?
it seems interesting, but i could not find any documentaiton on how to use it on
google app engine, as it uses stackless python.
so any chances of its running on google app engine ?
also, how stack less python differ from normal python ?
links :
I currently have a not-yet-released, prototype version of Nagare for GAE (you can see the canonical Counter example at
Here are the 3 Nagare components not working on GAE, with their workarounds in this prototype:
Stackless Python:
So, this version of Nagare is pretty much working fine on GAE. And I dare to say that, even with these limitations, Nagare still stay on GAE a better programming environement than the others Python frameworks.
If you want to test it, send a message in the Nagare users group or send me a personal mail to alain.poirier at