Good, I created an XML document with the name and title of songs and artists within that document come also the corresponding cover. Now the link of my XML file is: .
I also have another XML document that gives me the name and artist title that this amounts to the moment (ADELE - HELLO) Now the link of my XML file is: .
Well, what I'm trying to make is that with document I created give me the cover of this song to give right now. I tried to make a code but to no avail in PHP, so I came to ask your help to get success. Here I leave the code I am using to try to get what I want.
$xml = simplexml_load_file('');
$artist = urlencode($xml->Event->Song->Artist['name']);
$track = urlencode($xml->Event->Song['title']);
$url = simplexml_load_file("");
$largeImage = $url->xpath('/ilm/$artist- $track/image[@size="cover"]')[0];
echo '<img src="'.$largeImage.'" />';
Can you please help me doing this?
Thank you all in advance.
correct xpath to take image is
because you need to get image with the same position as artist's name.
In php code it should be something like this:
$XML = simplexml_load_file('');
$artist = $XML->Event->Song->Artist['name'];
$track = $XML->Event->Song['title'];
$URL = simplexml_load_file("");
$largeImage = $URL->xpath('(/ilm/artist/image[@size="cover"])[count(/ilm/artist/name[.="'. $artist .' - '. $track.'"]/preceding-sibling::name)+1]');
echo '<img src = "'. $largeImage[0]. '" />';