One way to describe the Free monad is to say it is an initial monoid in the category of endofunctors (of some category C
) whose objects are the endofunctors from C
to C
, arrows are the natural transformations between them. If we take C
to be Hask
, the endofunctor are what is called Functor
in haskell, which are functor from * -> *
where *
represents the objects of Hask
By initiality, any map from an endofunctor t
to a monoid m
in End(Hask)
induces a map from Free t
to m
Said otherwise, any natural transformation from a Functor t
to a Monad m
induces a natural transformation from Free t
to m
I would have expected to be able to write a function
free :: (Functor t, Monad m) => (∀ a. t a → m a) → (∀ a. Free t a → m a)
free f (Pure a) = return a
free f (Free (tfta :: t (Free t a))) =
f (fmap (free f) tfta)
but this fails to unify, whereas the following works
free :: (Functor t, Monad m) => (t (m a) → m a) → (Free t a → m a)
free f (Pure a) = return a
free f (Free (tfta :: t (Free t a))) =
f (fmap (free f) tfta)
or its generalization with signature
free :: (Functor t, Monad m) => (∀ a. t a → a) → (∀ a. Free t a → m a)
Did I make a mistake in the category theory, or in the translation to Haskell ?
I'd be interested to hear about some wisdom here..
PS : code with that enabled
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, UnicodeSyntax #-}
import Control.Monad.Free
The Haskell translation seems wrong. A big hint is that your free
implementation doesn't use monadic bind (or join) anywhere. You can find free
as foldFree
with the following definition:
free :: Monad m => (forall x. t x -> m x) -> (forall a. Free t a -> m a)
free f (Pure a) = return a
free f (Free fs) = f fs >>= free f
The key point is that f
specializes to t (Free t a) -> m (Free t a)
, thus eliminating one Free
layer in one fell swoop.