The function convert
below has the type signature :
SUnit fromUnit-> SUnit toUnit ->Value fromUnit -> Value toUnit
which has redundancy, because the same information could be expressed by :
Value fromUnit -> Value toUnit
1) Is there a way to get rid of the first two arguments (SUnit fromUnit-> SUnit toUnit
) ?
2) Is there some other way by which this simple dependently typed program could be written more elegantly ?
3) How would this program look like in Idris ?
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs,DataKinds,KindSignatures #-}
putStrLn "Hello !"
-- putStrLn $ show $ convert SCelsius SCelsius kelvinZero -- this line does not compile
putStrLn $ show $ convert SKelvin SKelvin kelvinZero -- prints Value 0.0
putStrLn $ show $ convert SKelvin SCelsius kelvinZero -- prints Value (-273.16)
newtype Value (unit::Unit) = Value Double deriving Show
data Unit = Celsius | Kelvin
data SUnit u where
SCelsius:: SUnit Celsius
SKelvin:: SUnit Kelvin
convert :: SUnit fromUnit-> SUnit toUnit ->Value fromUnit -> Value toUnit
convert SCelsius SKelvin (Value tempCel) = Value $tempCel+offset
convert SCelsius SCelsius (Value tempCel) = Value $tempCel
convert SKelvin SCelsius (Value tempK) = Value $tempK-offset
convert SKelvin SKelvin (Value tempK) = Value $tempK
kelvinZero::(Value 'Kelvin)
kelvinZero= Value 0
If you want to remove the first two arguments, in Haskell you need a typeclass.
class IsUnit a where
getSUnit :: SUnit a
instance IsUnit Celsius where getSUnit = SCelsius
instance IsUnit Kelvin where getSUnit = SKelvin
convertShort :: (IsUnit fromUnit, IsUnit toUnit) => Value fromUnit -> Value toUnit
convertShort = convert getSUnit getSUnit
Note that this makes the code longer, not shorter -- but it allows the callers to omit the first singleton values.
The above code also assumes that every unit is convertible to any other one, which is unrealistic. The original code also contains this issue. If that is not wanted, one could use a two-parameters type class:
class C from to where convert :: Value from -> Value to
instance C Kelvin Celsius where ...
-- etc.