I broke my app into modules to add to it in the future. I'm using express 4 with the generator and running into issues with adding my multiple socket.io listeners.
In /bin/www
In app.js
var app = express();
//call socket.io to the app for each route
app.io = require('./socket.io/file1');
app.io = require('./socket.io/file2');
app.io = require('./socket.io/file3');
Everything worked great until I try to add more than one socket.io source file. Then only the last one works. I assume because app.io gets reset each time I call it.
What's the best way to go about this? I want to keep my code broke up as much as possible.
You're overwriting app.io each time. app.io = require('./socket.io/file1');
isn't "calling socket.io" but assigns app.io to that module. There are multiple ways to solve this, for example:
in app.js:
app.io = [
in /bin/www:
app.io.forEach(function (socketIo) {
This assigns an array to app.io and /bin/www iterates over the array to attach the server to each socket.io instance.
I couldn't test if this works and i suspect it doesn't (I wrote it just to illustrate the first problem in your code). I think one can use only a single socket.io instance per http server. But there is a solution:
Use socket.io namespaces. Create a single instance of socket.io and attach it to the server like you already do, then create "submodules" via io.of("/module-name")
in each of your module files (like file1, etc). Please read the documentation to learn more about namespaces.
There are again multiple options to do that, e.g.: (Warning, code is from one of my own codebases, and is originally written in coffee-script and translated in my head, but you should get the gist)
in io.coffee
var io = require('socket.io')(http)
Where http is, of course, your http server instance.
in broadcast.coffee
module.exports = function (io) {
var broadcast = io.of('/broadcast')
broadcast.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.emit('foo', 'bar')