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ngresource not filtering properly with oData based Rest Controller

i have a web api based controller using MongoDb at back end.

    public class NodesRestController : ApiController
    private INodeService _nodeService;
    public NodesRestController(INodeService nodeService)
        _nodeService = nodeService;
    public IQueryable<Node> Get()
        return _nodeService.GetAllNodes().AsQueryable();
    public Node Get(Guid id)
        return _nodeService.GetNodeById(id);

in an angular application my resource looks like

(function() {
'use strict';
var nodeServiceRoot = '/api/NodesRest/:id';

    .factory("nodeResource", ["$resource", "appSettings", nodeResource])

function nodeResource($resource, appSettings) {
    return $resource(appSettings.serverPath + nodeServiceRoot, {
        id: '@id'
    }, {
        "update": {
            method: "PUT"

Nodes Collection looks like multiple instances such below.

"_id" : LUUID("982d248a-ef2a-f94c-be93-96ff67ca1d3f"),
"Name" : "RTR1",
"IP" : "",
"NodeGroup" : {
    "_id" : LUUID("36a38db3-830c-4a45-8b9c-63b16394f985"),
    "Name" : "Group One"

i am trying to get all the nodes where NodeGroup.Name = "Group One" but i get all the nodes back.

 var nodesInNodeGroup = nodeResource.query({ 'NodeGroup/Name': vm.CurrJob.NodeGroup.Name});
        nodesInNodeGroup.$promise.then(function (response) {
            nodesInNodeGroup = response;

vm.CurrJob.NodeGroup.Name = 'Group One'

kindy help.


  • Your controller is not an ODataController.