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JQuery Steps in MVC6 - The correct IActionResult is not getting called in the controller on form submit

I have a Wizard capturing user information in multiple steps.

My view

                        <form id="form" action="#" class="wizard-big">
                                 //..getting customer info Step 1

                                 //..getting customer info Step 2

                                //..getting customer info Step 3

                                  //..getting customer info Step 4

JQuery Script

            bodyTag: "fieldset",
            onStepChanging: function (event, currentIndex, newIndex) {
                // Always allow going backward even if the current step contains invalid fields!
                if (currentIndex > newIndex) {
                    return true;

                var form = $(this);

                // Clean up if user went backward before
                if (currentIndex < newIndex) {
                    // To remove error styles
                    $(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") label.error", form).remove();
                    $(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") .error", form).removeClass("error");

                // Disable validation on fields that are disabled or hidden.
                form.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled,:hidden";

                // Start validation; Prevent going forward if false
                return form.valid();
            onStepChanged: function (event, currentIndex, priorIndex) {

                // Suppress (skip) "Warning" step if the user is old enough and wants to the previous step.
                if (currentIndex === 2 && priorIndex === 3) {
            onFinishing: function (event, currentIndex) {
                var form = $(this);

                // Disable validation on fields that are disabled.
                // At this point it's recommended to do an overall check (mean ignoring only disabled fields)
                form.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled";

                // Start validation; Prevent form submission if false
                return form.valid();
            onFinished: function (event, currentIndex) {
                var form = $(this);

                // Submit form input
            errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
            rules: {


My controller methods

    public IActionResult CreateSteps() //This is getting called on clicking the finish button generated by the Steps
        return View();

    public IActionResult CreateSteps(Customer cust) //I want this to be called
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            return RedirectToAction("Index");
        return View(cust);

The correct function is called by clicking this But I want that Finish button should call the correct function


  • You should update your form tag's action property value to point to CreateSteps action method.

    <form asp-action="CreateSteps" asp-controller="Home" id="form" class="wizard-big">
      <!-- Your existing code goes here -->