So, I am playing around with BCP to get to know it better, and ran into an issue I am having trouble figuring out. I am getting an error, "The Syntax of the command is incorrect".
I have tested the complete file path which is building correctly, and the select query by itself, which is completing correctly. Any thoughts?
The code I am using is:
DECLARE @fileName varchar(128)
DECLARE @filePath varchar(128)
DECLARE @completeFilePath varchar(128)
DECLARE @sqlCmd varchar(4000)
SET @filePath = 'xxxxxx'
INTO #ParticipantIdentifiers
FROM xxxxxxxxx
SET @BCPSwitches = '-w -T -t |'
SET @fileName = 'xxxxx.txt'
SET @completeFilePath = @filePath + @fileName
SET @sqlCmd = 'bcp "SELECT * FROM #ParticipantIdentifiers" queryout "'+ @completeFilePath + '" ' + @BCPSwitches
EXEC DemoDB..xp_cmdshell @sqlCmd
I think the terminator "|" after -t (in the @BCPSwitches) needs to be enclosed in quotes as well since the shell might be interpreting this as a output pipe.