Long time user very first question:
I am trying to update the formula in a calculated column in Spotfire using ironpython. I have a table called tbl_test with calculated column 'Biz_rule'. I create a string called str_statement and try to use it to replace the expression in the caluclated column with the code below:
calc_col = tbl_test.Columns.Item['Biz_rule']
calc_col = calc_col.As<CalculatedColumn>()
calc_col.Expression = str_statement;
I get the following error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Spotfire.Dxp.Application.ScriptSupport", line unknown, in ExecuteForDebugging
File "<string>", line 25, in <module>
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'Expression'
I assume because
returns a boolean indicating whether or not the operation succeeded. How do I get an instance of the calculated column so I can update the expression?
tbl_test = Document.Data.Tables['data source scott']
calc_col = tbl_test.Columns.Item['Job Job']
The above code works for me. Is it what you tried to do ? The question is why did you use