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assembly convert number into character

I have this variable:

Message DB 10 dup(?)

I'm trying to generate 10 random characters and then save them into variable.

mov ecx,10
mov edi,0

    mov eax,60h
    call RandomRange
    sub eax,27
    add al,'0'
    mov Message[edi],al

    inc edi
    loop GenerateString

mov edx,offset Message
call WriteString

I found somewhere that I have to substract number by 27 and add ascii 0, but it's not working properly. Please note I have to use RandomRange.


  • Irvine's RandomRange creates numbers in the range 0..EAX-1. With other words: You get a number within a range of a certain amount of different numbers. Since you want an ASCII character in the range a..z (97..122) you have

    • to determine the size of the range: 122-97+1 = 26 characters,
    • to move the range of RandomRange to the desired range by adding the start value: 97.

    BTW: You will always get the same sequence if you don't initialize RandomRange with Randomize.

        Message DB 10 dup(0)
    main PROC
        call Randomize                      ; Initialization for `RandomRange`
        mov ecx, LENGTHOF Message - 1       ; Without the terminating null!
        mov edi, 0
        mov eax, 26                         ; Range: [0..25] = 26 numbers
        call RandomRange
        add eax, 97                         ; Move the range from [0..25] to [97..122]
        mov Message[edi],al
        inc edi
        loop GenerateString
        mov edx,offset Message
        call WriteString
    main ENDP
    END main