I read something about pywin32 with give's you the possibility to move the curser to One Point to another.
How would I Click on one point and move it with a specific speed to another direction without the cursor "jumping" to that direction? I want a result where you could see what points it has passed.
OS is Windows.
Say you have two points, a start and a stop; you can calculate the line equation between them and just call win32api.SetCursorPos
multiple times to animate the movement.
import win32api, time
def moveFromTo(p1, p2):
# slope of our line
m = (p2[1] - p1[1]) / (p2[0] - p1[0])
# y intercept of our line
i = p1[1] - m * p1[0]
# current point
cP = p1
# while loop comparison
comp = isGreater
# moving left to right or right to left
inc = -1
# switch for moving to right
if (p2[0] > p1[0]):
comp = isLess
inc = 1
# move cursor one pixel at a time
while comp(cP[0],p2[0]):
cP[0] += inc
# get next point on line
cP[1] = m * cP[0] + i
# slow it down
def isLess(a,b):
return a < b
def isGreater(a,b):
return a > b