i'm developing a little app for a University project and i need to json encode the result of a query to pass it to a js library, i've read elsewhere that i can use model_to_dict to accomplish that, but i'm getting this error
AttributeError: 'SelectQuery' object has no attribute '_meta'
and i don't know why or what to do, does anyone know how to solve that?
I'm using python 2.7 and the last version of peewee
def orm():
doitch = Player.select().join(Nationality).where(Nationality.nation % 'Germany')
return model_to_dict(doitch)
This is because doitch
is a SelectQuery
instance it is not model, you have to call get()
from flask import jsonify
def orm():
doitch = Player.select().join(Nationality).where(Nationality.nation % 'Germany')
return jsonify(model_to_dict(doitch.get()))
Also you could use dicts method to get data as dict. This omits creation a whole model stuff.
from flask import jsonify
def orm():
doitch = Player.select().join(Nationality).where(Nationality.nation % 'Germany')
return jsonify(doitch.dicts().get())
As @lord63 pointed out, you cannot simply return dict, it must be a Flask response so convert it to jsonify.
edit 2
def orm():
doitch = Player.select().join(Nationality).where(Nationality.nation % 'Germany')
# another query
sth = Something.select()
return jsonify({
'doitch': doitch.dicts().get(),
'something': sth_query.dicts().get()