I have been using this to convert a CIImage to NSData for ages:
NSData *data = [imageRep representationUsingType: NSPNGFileType
Now on El Capitan I have this error on the second line:
Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument
I can solve that by using an empty array on the properties, like this:
NSData *data = [imageRep representationUsingType: NSPNGFileType
properties: @{}];
but I am suspecting that this can cause me problems in the future.
Is this the correct way to solve this problem?
Is this the correct way to solve this problem?
There appear to be a few places in the API which accepted nil
values rather than an empty collection even though it was not documented as valid. The non-nil annotations added by Apple to better support inter-working with Swift are just highlighting these.