I installed Cloud9 on Raspberry Pi 2 and now I am trying to create Node.js classic "Hello world" app which will be blinking the LED connected to GPIO. I found this library to work with GPIO https://github.com/jperkin/node-rpio which is working great. But the script must be executed with sudo to be able to work with pins. So in Cloud9 I must use the bash panel and write "sudo node ./script.js". Is there some way how to create/modify runner to use sudo command?
The solution is to create custom runner with this json:
"cmd": [
"sudo node ${debug?--nocrankshaft} ${debug?--nolazy} ${debug?--debug-brk=15454} $file $args"
"debugger": "v8",
"debugport": 15454,
"selector": "source.js",
Node that it not contains the line from the original runner which was for node v0.x because I am using newer.
"${debug?`node --version | grep -vqE \"v0\\..\\.\" && echo --nodead_code_elimination`}",