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Concurrent Collection basic query

I have the following scenario:
I have a Parallel.ForEach loop iterating over a collection of objects using a custom Partitioner. The partitioner takes a subset of 100 objects and sends them to a web service. The results returned need to be stored in a single collection. In other words all iterations of the Parallel.ForEach will write into a single collection.
Can I use a concurrent collection like ConcurrentBag for storing the results and be assured that the Parallel.ForEach iterations will not mutate the result in any way.



  • I'll address two parts of your question separately:

    Can I use a concurrent collection like ConcurrentBag for storing the results?

    Yes, ConcurrentBag<T> is specifically designed to support concurrent Add/Remove/iteration operations. If you're calling Add inside the Parallel.ForEach delegate body, all of the items you add are guaranteed to be stored - although their exact order is undefined.

    Can I ... be assured that the Parallel.ForEach iterations will not mutate the result in any way?

    This depends on what it is exactly you do inside your Parallel.ForEach delegate body. Like I said, if all you're doing there is storing the results in a ConcurrentBag<T> (via a call to Add somewhere in your Parallel.ForEach delegate - that's the most common use case), you're safe.

    If you are performing more than one operation on ConcurrentBag<T> inside your Parallel.ForEach delegate (i.e. reading from ConcurrentBag<T> before you write to it), thread safety goes out the window.