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Concat paginated response using Rxjs in angular2

I am calling an external API from an angular2 app, which provides data in paginated form. The response looks like this

   next: "next_url",
   results: []

Can I use Rxjs or inbuilt Http class of Angular2, which returns an observable, to concat the results from next url, till

   next: null,
   results: []

I feel I need to user concatMap operator, but I have not figured out the syntax as I am new to Reactive Extentions.


  • Here is how I would do it:

    import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
    import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
    import 'rxjs/Rx';
      selector: 'my-app',
      template: `<h2>Results: {{out | async | json}}</h2>`,
    export class App {
      constructor() { 
        this.out = this.getAllResults();
      getAllResults(startIdx = 0) {
        return this.getData(startIdx)
          .concatMap(data => {
            if ( {
              return this.getAllResults(
                .map(resultsToJoin => [, ...resultsToJoin]);
            } else {
              return Observable.of(data.results);
      // pretend this is our http call 
      getData(idx : number) {
        const data = [{
            next: 1,
            results: [1, 2]
          }, {
            next: 2,
            results: [3, 4]
          }, {
            next: null,
            results: [5, 6]
        return Observable.of(data[idx]);