I am learning drop_conditions in SAS. I am requesting a sample on three variables, however only two observations are retrieved. Please advise! Thank you!
data temp;
set mydata.ames_housing_data;
format drop condition $30.;
if (LotArea in (7000:9000)) then drop_condition = '01: Between 7000-9000 sqft';
else if (LotShape EQ 'IR3') then drop_condition = '02: Irregular Shape of Property';
else if (condition1 in 'Artery' OR 'Feedr') then drop_condition = '03: Proximity to arterial/feeder ST';
proc freq data=temp;
tables drop_condition;
title 'Sample Waterfall';
run; quit;
Your conditions/comparisons aren't specified correctly, I think you're looking for the IN
operator to do multiple comparisons in a single line. I'm surprised there aren't errors in your log.
Rather than the following:
if (LotArea = 7000:9000)
if (lotArea in (7000:9000))
if (condition1 EQ 'Atrery' OR 'Feedr')
should be
if (condition1 in ('Atrery', 'Feedr'))
EDIT: You also need to specify a length for the drop_condition variable, instead of a format to ensure the variable is long enough to hold the text specified. It's also useful to verify your answer afterwards with a proc freq against the specified conditions, for example:
proc freq data=temp;
where drop_condition=:'01';
tables drop_condition*lot_area;