This is a frequency to MIDI note converter, but I can't seem to get the math to work properly. Specifically, with the math.log()
function. This will produce an output of 69.0 most of the time, but it usually outputs "ValueError: math domain error", if I input any number below 440. How should I fix it?
#d is midi, f is frequency
import math
f=raw_input("Type the frequency to be converted to midi: ")
print d`
This is because Python 2 uses integer division. Anything below 440 will evaluate to 0 which is then passed to math.log()
>>> 500/440
>>> 440/440
>>> 439/440
>>> math.log(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: math domain error
The easiest way is to enable Python 3 style so called true division by placing this line at the top of your file:
from __future__ import division
Now Python 2 will behave as you might have expected:
>>> 439/440
>>> math.log(439/440)
>>> math.log(439/440)
As alternatives, you can convert the dividend and/or divisor to a float: