I have converted a short video to gif with the help of the following script:
ffmpeg -v warning -i $1 -vf "$filters,palettegen" -y $palette
ffmpeg -v warning -i $1 -i $palette -lavfi "$filters [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y $2
However when I convert an image sequence, I get error message: "Filter paletteuse has a unconnected output"
ffmpeg -v warning -f image2 -i %04d.jpg -vf "$filters,palettegen" -y $palette
ffmpeg -v warning -f image2 -i %04d.jpg -i $palette -lavfi "$filters [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y $2
How can I make palettegen and paletteuse work with the image sequences too?
palettegen and paletteuse work fine with image sequence inputs.
The problem is with your positional parameter. You're using $2
, but there is only one argument passed from your command to your script. Change the $2
to $1