I am modelling categories and functors like this (the imports are from the standard library):
module Categories where
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
record Category a b : Set (suc (a ⊔ b)) where
Obj : Set a
_⇒_ : Obj → Obj → Set b
_∘_ : {A B C : Obj} → B ⇒ C → A ⇒ B → A ⇒ C
id : {A : Obj} → A ⇒ A
left-id : ∀ {A B : Obj} (f : A ⇒ B) → id ∘ f ≡ f
right-id : ∀ {A B : Obj} (f : A ⇒ B) → f ∘ id ≡ f
assoc : ∀ {A B C D : Obj} (f : C ⇒ D) (g : B ⇒ C) (h : A ⇒ B) → (f ∘ g) ∘ h ≡ f ∘ (g ∘ h)
infix 10 _[_⇒_] _[_∘_]
_[_⇒_] : ∀ {a b} (C : Category a b) (X : Category.Obj C) (Y : Category.Obj C) → Set b
_[_⇒_] = Category._⇒_
_[_∘_] : ∀ {a b} (C : Category a b) → ∀ {X Y Z} (f : C [ Y ⇒ Z ]) (g : C [ X ⇒ Y ]) → C [ X ⇒ Z ]
_[_∘_] = Category._∘_
record Functor {a b c d} (C : Category a b) (D : Category c d) : Set (a ⊔ b ⊔ c ⊔ d) where
private module C = Category C
private module D = Category D
F : C.Obj → D.Obj
fmap′ : ∀ (A B : C.Obj) → C [ A ⇒ B ] → D [ F A ⇒ F B ]
fmap-id′ : ∀ (A : C.Obj) → fmap′ A _ C.id ≡ D.id
fmap-∘′ : ∀ (X Y Z : C.Obj) (f : C [ Y ⇒ Z ]) (g : C [ X ⇒ Y ]) → fmap′ _ _ (C [ f ∘ g ]) ≡ D [ fmap′ _ _ f ∘ fmap′ _ _ g ]
fmap : ∀ {A B : C.Obj} → C [ A ⇒ B ] → D [ F A ⇒ F B ]
fmap {A}{B} = fmap′ A B
fmap-id : ∀ {A : C.Obj} → fmap′ A A C.id ≡ D.id
fmap-id {A} = fmap-id′ A
fmap-∘ : ∀ {X Y Z : C.Obj} (f : C [ Y ⇒ Z ]) (g : C [ X ⇒ Y ]) → fmap′ _ _ (C [ f ∘ g ]) ≡ D [ fmap′ _ _ f ∘ fmap′ _ _ g ]
fmap-∘ {X}{Y}{Z} = fmap-∘′ X Y Z
And I am trying to prove the existence of the category of categories by instantiating it like this (where the levels a
and b
are parameters of the module for tidiness):
category : Category (suc (a ⊔ b)) (a ⊔ b)
category = record
{ Obj = Category a b
; _⇒_ = Functor
; _∘_ = Compose
; id = Identity
; left-id = {!!}
; right-id = {!!}
; assoc = {!!}
and Identity
are defined as you'd expect, where, importantly, fmap-id
for the composition of functors F
and G
is proved like this:
fmap-id : ∀ (A : C.Obj) → fmap A _ C.id ≡ E.id
fmap-id _ =
F.fmap (G.fmap C.id)
≡⟨ cong F.fmap G.fmap-id ⟩
F.fmap D.id
≡⟨ F.fmap-id ⟩
Now, I am stuck trying to prove left-id
for this category. This is what I have so far:
FunctorCongruence : ∀ {C D : Category a b} → Functor C D → Functor C D → Set ((a ⊔ b))
FunctorCongruence F G = F.F ≅ G.F → F.fmap′ ≅ G.fmap′ → F.fmap-id′ ≅ G.fmap-id′ → F.fmap-∘′ ≅ G.fmap-∘′ → F ≅ G
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
functor-cong : ∀ {C D : Category a b}{F : Functor C D}{G : Functor C D} → FunctorCongruence F G
functor-cong refl refl refl refl = refl
left-id : ∀ {C D : Category a b} (F : Functor C D) → Compose Identity F ≡ F
left-id {C} F = ≅-to-≡ (functor-cong F-≅ fmap-≅ fmap-id-≅ fmap-∘-≅)
Cmp = Compose Identity F
module F = Functor F
module Cmp = Functor Cmp
module C = Category C
open HetEq.≅-Reasoning
F-≅ : Cmp.F ≅ F.F
F-≅ = refl
fmap-≅ : Cmp.fmap′ ≅ F.fmap′
fmap-≅ = refl
lem : (λ A → trans (cong (λ x → x) (F.fmap-id′ A)) refl) ≅ F.fmap-id′
lem =
(λ A → trans (cong (λ x → x) (F.fmap-id′ A)) refl)
≅⟨ ? ⟩
(λ A → cong (λ x → x) (F.fmap-id′ A))
≅⟨ ? ⟩
(λ A → F.fmap-id′ A)
≅⟨ refl ⟩
fmap-id-≅ : Cmp.fmap-id′ ≅ F.fmap-id′
fmap-id-≅ = lem
fmap-∘-≅ : Cmp.fmap-∘′ ≅ F.fmap-∘′
fmap-∘-≅ = ?
But I'm concerned that proving the equality (λ A → trans (cong (λ x → x) (F.fmap-id′ A)) refl) ≅ F.fmap-id′
seems to require functional extensionality of heterogeneous equality, because the LHS is hidden behind the λ A
. If I am correct about that, is there perhaps a different way of defining fmap-id
that will avoid this situation? Or does any proof of the existence of this category within Agda's type theory depend on functional extensionality?
Just make A ⇒ B
a setoid rather than a Set
. This is how it's done in the standard categories library. In my small development I did the same, but replaced
record Category α β γ : Set (suc (α ⊔ β ⊔ γ)) where
Obj : Set α
_⇒_ : Obj -> Obj -> Set β
setoid : ∀ {A B} -> Setoid (A ⇒ B) γ
record Category α β γ : Set (suc (α ⊔ β ⊔ γ)) where
Obj : Set α
_⇒_ : Obj -> Obj -> Set β
setoid : ISetoid₂ _⇒_ γ
record IsIEquivalence {ι α β} {I : Set ι} (A : I -> Set α) (_≈_ : ∀ {i} -> A i -> A i -> Set β)
: Set (ι ⊔ α ⊔ β) where
refl : ∀ {i} {x : A i} -> x ≈ x
sym : ∀ {i} {x y : A i} -> x ≈ y -> y ≈ x
trans : ∀ {i} {x y z : A i} -> x ≈ y -> y ≈ z -> x ≈ z
record ISetoid {ι α} {I : Set ι} (A : I -> Set α) β : Set (ι ⊔ α ⊔ suc β) where
infix 4 _≈_
_≈_ : ∀ {i} -> A i -> A i -> Set β
isIEquivalence : IsIEquivalence A _≈_
ISetoid₂ : ∀ {ι₁ ι₂ α} {I₁ : Set ι₁} {I₂ : I₁ -> Set ι₂} (A : ∀ i₁ -> I₂ i₁ -> Set α) β
-> Set (ι₁ ⊔ ι₂ ⊔ α ⊔ suc β)
ISetoid₂ A = ISetoid (uncurry A)
Not very big difference, but looks slightly nicer to me. Here is my variant of setoid over a Functor
. And the Cat
I'll elaborate a bit. Functors are equal if they map equal objects to equal objects and equal morphisms to equal morphisms. But the latter implies the former, since if two moprhisms are equal then their domains and codomains are equal as well, so we get equality of objects from equality of identity morphisms:
F₁ (id A) ≈ G₁ (id A)
id (F₀ A) ≈ id (G₀ A)
F₀ A ≡ G₀ A
In the standard categories library and in mine functors are equal if they map definitionally equal morphisms to equal morphisms (I wonder why):
F ≈ G = ∀ f -> F₁ f ≈ G₁ f
The problem here is that to say f ≈ g
we need f
and g
to be morphisms between the same objects. But
f : A ⇒ B
F₁ f : F₀ A ⇒ F₀ B
G₁ f : G₀ A ⇒ G₀ B
F₁ f
and G₁ f
are of different types. The solution is to construct heterogeneous equality over the existing homogeneous
data _∼_ {A B} (f : A ⇒ B) : ∀ {X Y} → (X ⇒ Y) → Set (ℓ ⊔ e) where
≡⇒∼ : {g : A ⇒ B} → .(f ≡ g) → f ∼ g
We can deal with this more systematically and make the heterogeneous setoid from any indexed setoid:
data _≋_ {i} (x : A i) : ∀ {j} -> A j -> Set β where
hetero : {y : A i} -> x ≈ y -> x ≋ y
(One nice thing is that using this transformation we can make Agda's heterogeneous equality from propositional equality.)