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Two tables with composite key are joined in Entity Framework

I have four tables in SQL Server, the image the tables and relations.

enter image description here

The problem is when I use Entity Framework the GroupAdmins and GroupMembers tables is joined into one table, the image show the situation:

enter image description here

I want to get the four tables in Entity Framework. What should I do ?


The real problem is that I can't add or delete items for GroupAdmins and GroupMembers tables in the same way as I do with other tables. For example, if I want to add item to AspNetUsers, I use this :

using (var db=new DatabaseContext())
        AspNetUsers user = new AspNetUsers{Id=1,Email="[email protected]"};

While I can't do the same for GroupAdmins and GroupMembers, because GroupAdmins and GroupMembers are not exist.


  • If you have a many-to-many relationship between two tables, in the relational database, you need a "link" table to connect the two base tables.

    EF handles this automatically for you - it doesn't explicitly surface that link table - it handles those inserts and deletes internally, behind the scenes. You don't need to do anything special at all! Use this default behavior - don't fight it! It works to your advantage!

    What you do is basically add new entries in one of the tables into the collection-based navigation property, and EF will automatically insert the necessary entries into the relevant link table.

    So for instance, you could do something like this:

    using (var db = new DatabaseContext())
        AspNetUsers user = new AspNetUsers { Id = 1, Email = "[email protected]" };
        // get a group to add the new user to
        Groups g = db.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name = "SomeGroupName");
        if(g != null)
            // since I don't have your EDMX model here, I don't know if "AspNetUsers" for the "Groups"
            // refers to the "GroupMembers" or the "GroupAdmins" connection - *YOU* can see this when
            // you look at the EDMX model designer!
        // now when you save, you'll get a new user in "AspNetUsers", AND ALSO: you'll get an entry
        // in either "GropuMembers" or "GroupAdmins" that contains the two ID's - AspNetUsers.Id 
        // and the Id for the group with the name of "SomeGroupName"