This is the scenario:
I'm using this expression:
On regex101 and phpliveregex websites it matches:
// console.log(abc)
// console.log(abc);
// console.log('abc');
console.log('abc' + some_function());
But when I put it in PHP code like this:
preg_match('/(\/\/)?(\s*?)console\.(log|debug|info|log|warn|error|assert|dir|dirxml|trace|group|groupEnd|time|timeEnd|profile|profileEnd|count)\((.*?[^}(])\);?$/', $js_code, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[0])) print_r($matches[0]);
I dont get any matches. Too tired to notice what am I missing. Probably something staring at me with its big eyes. :) Any help would be appreciated.
After some further investigation I improved my regex pattern to match every combination.
Your answer pushed me in the right direction.