I am trying to create an iPhone app where you swipe right or left to get from one view to another. I know how to do it from scratch with my own code, but I want to learn the Apple way of doing it, which means drag and drop the UISwipeGestureRecognizer icon into the storyboard and change settings in some way. I can get it to have a sideway swipe, but not with the views appearing from the sides. Only have the view appear from the default bottom.
So frustrating not coding from scratch, don't know where the problem is. Help very much appreciated!
I don't think you are clear on whether you are trying to have "views" appear from the sides or "view controllers" appear from the sides. There is a distinction. What you wish to do in general is drag a swipe gesture recognizer and drop it onto the view you wish to recognize the gesture (for example the top level view of the scene). Then you need to control drag the gesture from the top of the scene to the code and create an action method. Within that action method, you can perform a segue to another view controller, if you wish to transition to an entirely new scene. Otherwise, you can initialize another view and animate it onto the screen.