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Zepto's $.post does not have error handler

I'm using Zepto in my application as an alternate to jQuery and I was working on a task when I realized, $.ajax have a error handler, but other methods like $.post, $.get does not have it.

What can be the reason for this?

Function Signature

$.post(url, [data], function(data, status, xhr){ ... }, [dataType])

$.get(url, [data], [function(data, status, xhr){ ... }], [dataType])


  1. $.ajax
  2. $.post
  3. $.get


  • According to your question about $.get and $.post. Yes, source code on github answered that there is no error handlers for this methods, but you can add common error handler in $.ajaxSettings

    But instead of $.ajax with callbacks better use Zepto deferred API. You must include it manually.

    It provides $.Deferred promises API. Depends on the "callbacks" module. When included, $.ajax() supports a promise interface for chaining callbacks.

    With deferred you can catch error in deferred/promise chains:

    $.post(/*any options*/).done(/*success handler*/).fail(/*error handler*/)


    $.post().then(function() {
       // success code here
    }, function() {
       // error code here