I got this compiler error when using goto in my ARC iOS project.
Cannot jump from this goto statement to its label. Jump bypasses initialization of retaining variable
I know goto is bad in general but ... please just tell me how to fix it. The codes are like following,
//some process
NSArray *current = ... ;
if (current.count ==0) goto cleanup;
//proceed to next
if (processed failed) goto cleanup;
//further process
//clean up codes
I finally figured it out! Actually the warning said it clearly, "Jump bypasses initialization of retaining variable" so in the section next
//In proceed to next section I declare & init some object!
My codes/problem is basically the same as c99 goto past initialization
The solution is simple, just added a {} block to it, as here mentioned Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement?
For those who are wondering why I still need goto, I think this explained it Is it ever advantageous to use 'goto' in a language that supports loops and functions? If so, why? , especially "Cleanly exiting a function", check here for an example http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2009/04/27/using-goto-for-error-handling-in-c
Without goto mainline code is deep inside the nested conditions (Of course we can also introduce a helper function to deal with it).